Thursday, September 18, 2008

Praise Report & Prayer Request

My brother, Bennett, went to the emergency room last night with the symptoms of meningitis. The doctor tried to do a spinal tap in order to diagnose him. They were not able to successfully perform the test. The mono test and strep test came back negative. The doctor's conclusion was viral meningitis (According to webmd: Most people with viral meningitis usually start getting better within 3 days of feeling sick and recover within 2 weeks. However, it is important to see your health professional if symptoms of meningitis develop so that he or she can rule out bacterial meningitis, which is more serious. With mild cases of viral meningitis, you may only need home treatment, including fluids to prevent dehydration and medicine to control pain and fever). I talked to Bennett this morning. He was tired, but felt much better. He followed up with his doctor this afternoon. There were many prayers said for Bennett. Thank You, Jesus for healing being manifested in Bennett. Lord, let him trust and rest in You.

My maternal grandmother, Mammy, was taken to the emergency room last night by rescue squad. She was diagnosed with pneumonia on Monday. The doctors think she had a heart attack last week and instead of pneumonia has congestive heart failure. She is being transported to a hospital known for their heart center tonight. I know that by the stripes of Jesus healing was provided for her. I praise God for touching her body. I praise Him for giving the doctors wisdom and guidance. Thank you for your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda,
    Praying for your brother and your grandmother.


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