Friday, September 26, 2008

Mood to Cook

I don't mind cooking, but sometimes I just really enjoy it. Luckily for my family I'm in one of those moods right now. There were the homemade doughnuts this morning; hamburger steak for lunch and tonight - a homemade Mexican meal. I got into this cooking mood yesterday afternoon as I was cooking supper for my grandparents. I had a really good time preparing it - hamburger steak, baked potatoes, salad, fruit salad and homemade cookies. I cooked enough hamburger steak for the two of them and kept the rest to cook up today. (Then there were the turkey burgers I cooked up for me.)

Tonight's meal came together rather quickly. I bought an avocado the other day planning on trying out a new recipe. As I read over the recipe I realized I didn't have all of the ingredients. Plus, I didn't think my kids would like the chunked avocado. So what better to make with an avocado than guacamole? So Anna Gracen and I whipped up a batch along with some spicy chicken, and homemade salsa and tortilla chips. It was yummy! What's next? Alton Brown's recipe for French toast that Wooten and I saw on last night's show. I'll let you know how it turns out. There is a science to it that I didn't know about until I was enlightened last night. (The family better enjoy this mood as long as it lasts - I might have a mood swing and then it's back to PB&J, LOL.)


  1. Ok, my mouth is watering! Mexican is one of my faves and that dish looks amazing. Charlie and I agree that it looks like it came strait out of a cooking magazine. I would have had to skip the turkey burger if I was
    Enjoy Tom and kids!

  2. Girl, I did skip the turkey burger! I ate a healthy lunch (staying away from the hamburger steak in gravy) and enjoyed the Mexican dinner. Tom was working and missed out on dinner. He'll enjoy breakfast though (:0)

  3. When am I going to see your cooking show on TV?! What a delicious looking plate!


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