Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Stay tuned!

6 years ago tonight we were anticipating the arrival of our baby boy. It is hard to believe it has been 6 years since our little one made his debut. Tomorrow's post is dedicated to Christian. We listed 6 things we love about him (thank you, Jennifer, for the wonderful idea). We had to narrow the list down, there are many more things we love about him. We will be taking the day off from school to celebrate. We're going to treat him to a visit to Chuck E. Cheese (Because I joined the Chuck E. Cheese club he gets 20 free tokens for his birthday). He also gets a FREE "Kid's Create Your Own Creation " from Cold Stone Creamery. (So we'll be heading there also). Pizza and ice cream, oh, yeah, what a way to celebrate.

On Saturday we'll be celebrating with grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles and friends. We'll have cake, ice cream and dots and dots of fun. Polka dots are our theme. I love themes! There will be a cake with orange-colored (Christian's favorite color) homemade buttercream icing covered in polka dot sprinkles. We'll have sprees and smarties and the kids get to take home - candy dots, M&M's, smarties and happy face gummies.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


The Wildcats did it yet again!!! West Johnston 41 - Holly Springs 31. They are 6 and 0 - how awesome!!! Way to go, boys! Way to go, Coach Jones! You can read more about the team on High School OT , The Herald and The News and Observer.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Mood to Cook

I don't mind cooking, but sometimes I just really enjoy it. Luckily for my family I'm in one of those moods right now. There were the homemade doughnuts this morning; hamburger steak for lunch and tonight - a homemade Mexican meal. I got into this cooking mood yesterday afternoon as I was cooking supper for my grandparents. I had a really good time preparing it - hamburger steak, baked potatoes, salad, fruit salad and homemade cookies. I cooked enough hamburger steak for the two of them and kept the rest to cook up today. (Then there were the turkey burgers I cooked up for me.)

Tonight's meal came together rather quickly. I bought an avocado the other day planning on trying out a new recipe. As I read over the recipe I realized I didn't have all of the ingredients. Plus, I didn't think my kids would like the chunked avocado. So what better to make with an avocado than guacamole? So Anna Gracen and I whipped up a batch along with some spicy chicken, and homemade salsa and tortilla chips. It was yummy! What's next? Alton Brown's recipe for French toast that Wooten and I saw on last night's show. I'll let you know how it turns out. There is a science to it that I didn't know about until I was enlightened last night. (The family better enjoy this mood as long as it lasts - I might have a mood swing and then it's back to PB&J, LOL.)


Kathy sent out an e-mail to let us know the following:
"It is official. The doctor told us that Darby definitely has JIA (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis). I know God has a reason for this in her life. We are trusting Him because He knows what she needs better than we do. Looking forward to seeing how much stronger Darby and all of us will be as we persevere through this trial. Praying that God will be glorified. Thanks for your prayers and concern. "

Thank you for your prayers for Kathy, Tony, Darby and Daxton. Specifically pray for the inflammation to go down in Darby's joints; for her to handle the shots well; and for her physical therapy.

Happy Friday!

Wooten asked me a while ago to make some "homemade" doughnuts (or is it donuts? Both I guess. Sounds like a research assignment to me.) I said "homemade" because they are made using refrigerated biscuits. In the summer when I was I teenager, I worked at my great grandmother's grill. Every once in awhile Granny would fry up some doughnuts. She would have the biscuits on hand because she used them to make her famous apple jacks. (Wooten has also asked for some of them.) So this morning, I fried up the ones pictured below. I dipped them in a glaze of powered sugar and milk. Of course we had to have the holes also - don't want to waste any dough. The kids loved them and only left Tom two to sample. Luckily, I have several more cans of biscuits in the frig. Have a Happy Friday!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Oh my!!!

It is official I AM getting older. You know how I know? My soon-to-be 13 year old shaved today for the 1st time. Not his whole face, but his upper lip which had a lot of black fuzz. I can't believe he is old enough to shave. I can't believe I have a kid old enough to shave. As if that wasn't enough of an event Christian had his first zit (Our baby is soon-to-be 6. I know this isn't the start of puberty for him, but it was an event all the same -especially the popping of it). Shaving and zits - welcome to a new chapter in our household. What's next Anna Gracen being boy crazy? TOO LATE!! She has BEEN boy crazy, the thing is most of the boys are men - yikes!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My clever, clever boy

Yesterday Wooten had to read a narrative poem entitled "The Walrus and the Carpenter". It is a humorous story of a walrus and carpenter tricking talking oysters into following them so they can eat them. The assignment Wooten had was: "Suppose that one of the oysters wants to avoid being eaten. Help the oyster by writing an eloquent speech that might persuade the walrus and the carpenter to spare him or her." Here's what Wooten came up with - rather quickly I might add.
O, don't eat
for I smell like feet.

Not exactly an eloquent speech but kudos that it rhymes, has good form, makes sense and made me laugh until I cried. Where or where does he get this quick wit?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday, Monday

Well, I wanted to post a video of Christian at Boys' Club, but I'm having technical difficulties. I'll see if I can work them out.

The kids and I went to pick up their exhibits from the fair grounds. Along with a blue ribbon, Wooten brought home $20. Anna Gracen got her blue ribbon and $6 and Mr. Mickey Scarecrow got a white ribbon and $5 (we'll spend it for him since he doesn't have a brain - or a head or a body). We also brought home three buckets full of special, fossil-laden dirt. The kids can't wait to see what "treasures" they'll find.

The kids and I had nice visit with "T" (my dad) and Mimi yesterday afternoon.

Mammy is having a defibulator inserted tomorrow afternoon. She should come home on Wednesday. She is doing very well. Thank You, Jesus!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday updates

* My grandmother had the heart catheterization tonight. Praise God! She does not have any blockages. She did not have a heart attack last week as previously thought. She has had a heart attack in the past but it could have been months even years ago. She has some heart damage. Most people’s hearts function at 60% hers is functioning at 25-35%. The doctor has changed some medication she is on and added some more to manage this condition. He said because of the heart damage she may be prone to an irregular heartbeat. Another specialist is going to come in and see if she would be a good candidate for an internal defibulator (it sends a shock to her heart if the heartbeat is irregular). That would be done at a later time. The doctor is going to keep her in the hospital until Monday or Tuesday. Her kidneys aren’t functioning like he would like them to be (she has had problems with her kidneys every time she goes in the hospital). The doctor is going to have her get up and walk tomorrow which should help her kidneys.

* Bennett is feeling much better. He and the Wildcats had their first home game tonight and they WON 20 to 13!!! Bringing their record to 5 and 0 -they are the only undefeated team in their conference. Way to go, boys!!!!

* The kids are spending the night with my paternal grandmother, Mimi, tonight. I know they are having a great time. They are excited about the hot, continental breakfast she'll be cooking for them in the morning.

* Tom and I enjoyed a nice Mexican dinner at San Jose. No date night is complete without a trip to Wal-Mart. Now it's time to watch some movies we rented.

* Thank you to all of you for praying for my brother and grandmother! Our God loves to hear from His children. He is especially fond of each of you!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Praise Report & Prayer Request

My brother, Bennett, went to the emergency room last night with the symptoms of meningitis. The doctor tried to do a spinal tap in order to diagnose him. They were not able to successfully perform the test. The mono test and strep test came back negative. The doctor's conclusion was viral meningitis (According to webmd: Most people with viral meningitis usually start getting better within 3 days of feeling sick and recover within 2 weeks. However, it is important to see your health professional if symptoms of meningitis develop so that he or she can rule out bacterial meningitis, which is more serious. With mild cases of viral meningitis, you may only need home treatment, including fluids to prevent dehydration and medicine to control pain and fever). I talked to Bennett this morning. He was tired, but felt much better. He followed up with his doctor this afternoon. There were many prayers said for Bennett. Thank You, Jesus for healing being manifested in Bennett. Lord, let him trust and rest in You.

My maternal grandmother, Mammy, was taken to the emergency room last night by rescue squad. She was diagnosed with pneumonia on Monday. The doctors think she had a heart attack last week and instead of pneumonia has congestive heart failure. She is being transported to a hospital known for their heart center tonight. I know that by the stripes of Jesus healing was provided for her. I praise God for touching her body. I praise Him for giving the doctors wisdom and guidance. Thank you for your prayers.

County Fair

We went to the county fair this morning with our homeschool group. There was so much to do. We checked out the exhibits and farm animals (there were some bunnies for sale that we wanted to bring home). There was also a petting zoo and a show by Farmer John and his dog, Smudge, his goat, Goofy and a baby pig. Farmer John kept us laughing. We were excited to check out the exhibits since we had entered a couple of contests.

Our scarecrow took home 3rd place (thanks to Laura for helping me out - I could not have done it without you and your problem solving mind!) As you can see we went with the Disney theme, wonder where we got that idea from? Funny thing is both Anna Gracen and I came up with the thought at the same time. Wooten won 1st place in his age group for the Lego competition.
That boy has the mind of an engineer. Isn't this cool? I'll be sure to take some better pictures of it when we get it home. He has already started working on another Lego creation.
Anna Gracen won 1st place for her clay fruit basket. She is so crafty!
That fruit looks good enough to eat. I love the brown spots on the banana - makes it look real.

Before we left the fairgrounds we headed over to the Fossil Find. This pile of dirt is no ordinary dirt. There are thousands and thousands of sharks teeth and fossils in there. Anna Gracen found a pretty good sized Sand Tiger Shark tooth. Mr. Fossil, as we call him, was on hand to identify our findings for us. The kids could have stayed there all day. Mr. Fossil said we can come back Sunday (when the fair is over) with buckets and haul some of this special dirt home. Sounds like a plan!
Christian decided this is also a good place to take a rest. Kids just love dirt!
Wooten suggested this picture be at the end of the post. The tree they are standing in front of was carved by a man using a chainsaw.
We're already coming up with ideas for next year's fair!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Update on Darby!!

Kathy sent out an e-mail to family and friends to update us on Darby. They got the results back from the lab. Kathy was surprised to hear back so soon. The strep levels were still high so they are thinking it might be strep related. They have prescribed penicillin to wipe out any strep in Darby's system. The doctors are hoping the antibiotics will help with the swelling in her joints. It is really looking like this is NOT JIA. (Praise God!!) The doctors aren't really sure yet. They say it's a mystery. Kathy asked that we pray for the doctors.

Darby really needs relief. Kathy said that she is going about things as usual, but is in pain. She doesn't complain. What a courageous young lady.

Lord, we thank You for the wisdom You give the doctors. We praise You for the test results! We thank You for the swelling going down. We praise You for giving Darby courage. We praise You for complete healing in Jesus' mighty name. We praise You, we praise You!!

Sign I'm getting older

Okay, let me start by saying that if anything I say applies to you and/or offends you, I"M SORRY!

I do not like taking medicine (just ask Tom). I had a headache one afternoon and he asked if I wanted an Aleve. I said, "Yes, ah, leave me alone." I know, not so nice, but it did make us both laugh.

Today I went for my physical - yeah, fun, right? Well, my lab work came back pretty good. Liver function - good; sugar level - good; platelet count, triglyceride, and lots of other levels - good, good and good. Then comes the cholesterol - snag! The lipid profile should be between 0-200 mg mine was normal at 199. HDL (good cholesterol) numbers are good. LDL (bad cholesterol) number should be 0-99 mg and mine is 115. My doctor said and I quote - "You are two french fries away from high cholesterol". Good thing french fries aren't a staple in my diet.

So much to my chagrin my doc put me on Lipitor. She explained that it is a preventive to prevent me from having heart disease and/or stroke. Yeah, that sounds good. It is just the thought of having to take a pill to control something in my body.

Okay, here is the part that might be offensive. I always thought people that have to take medicine daily are older people. You know the pills go in those little pill boxes with the days of the week on them so you can tell if you've taken your medicine for the day or not. I know I'm making a bigger deal out of this than it is. I guess it's just a sign I'm getting older. When I was younger there was the medicine I took so I wouldn't have acne (Medicine which needed to be taken with food. One morning I took it on an empty stomach and got sick on the school bus. Luckily, I had my gym bag with me. I quietly zipped it open and yakked and zipped it right back up. No one except, Tiffany, who was sitting beside me, ever knew.) Then there was the birth control pills which I was so excited to be able to stop taking (thank you, Tom for the snip-snip). Vitamins and the occasional colon cleanse and that's it for my medication. I don't even take the vitamins on a regular basis. Maybe that's it - it's more of a memory thing - to remember to take the meds. Probably that and the whole I can't control my cholesterol so let this pill do it for me. I think I just hit the nerve of the problem. I can't control the numbers - newsflash - Amanda, as independent as she may be, isn't in control of this. You know what that Lipitor isn't in control either, my Father is. So, I will not look at this as a negative thing anymore. I'll put my trust in Him to whom I belong. I'll pray, pop the pill, exercise and stay away from the french fries.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Night of Joy

I've updated my playlist with songs by the artists Anna Gracen and I were able to see and/or hear at Night of Joy. Night of Joy was held Friday (9/5) and Saturday (9/6) at Disney Hollywood Studios. It is a concert event with several different Christian groups on several different stages. Anna Gracen and I went out on Saturday night. We were able to see Red, Casting Crowns, Aaron Shust and Fred Hammond. We were able to hear TobyMac and Mandisa (we heard her sing "Shackles" - one of the songs she sang on American Idol). TobyMac will be in concert at the North Carolina State Fair this year and Aaron Shust and Casting Crowns are both touring with a few dates in NC. What I loved about Night of Joy was the diversity, not only in the audiences, but in the type of music played. All are Christian artists but with different styles of worship. I was blessed watching the teenagers "bang their heads" along to the music of Red; the diverse audience clapping and singing along with Mandisa and Aaron Shust; people of all ages singing (rapping) along with TobyMac; people praising and shouting Amen to the message Casting Crowns head singer, Mark Hall, shared; and the joy and energy of singing along with Fred Hammond and his band. All praising God with every note played and every word sung - giving Him all glory and honor.

Mark Hall from Casting Crowns spoke straight from God's heart - reaching out to the audience, quoting scripture and praying for them to receive Jesus. As he was doing so I was praying for the two guys sitting behind us. We overheard them say (during a cell phone conversation) that a woman in the parking lot had given them free tickets to come to Night of Joy. They had heard of a few of the artists, but I'm gathering weren't fans. They had a macho air about them - like they were too cool to be there. God had them there for a reason! He used the lady in the parking lot to get these guys where He wanted them to be. I turned to them after the Casting Crowns set and told them that they weren't here by chance - that God had a blessing for them. One of the guys immediately went back into Mr. Cool Guy mode - like he had all the answers and who was I (I am His!) to tell him anything. The other guy seemed more respectful. I walked away feeling a little (okay, a lot) uncomfortable, but knowing that I had said what needed to be said. I KNOW God spoke to both of these men!! He spoke to them through the music, through the praise, and through the prayers that Mark Hall prayed for the audience - for them!

Lyrics to "Who Am I" by Casting Crowns:

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours

Who Am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who Am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me


I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear'
Cause I am Yours
I am Yours

Monday, September 15, 2008

Update on Prayer Request

I received an e-mail from Kathy (Tom's cousin) today in regards to her daughter, Darby. Darby's doctor is reevaluating her diagnosis based on some lab results. They go back tomorrow to have more blood work done. They are praying that Darby's condition is caused from Strep and that it is not JIA (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis). We join them in agreement - complete healing in Jesus' mighty name!! Lord, thank You for guiding the doctors - for giving them wisdom and insight. Thank You for the miracle of healing that Jesus has provided for all of us through the stripes He bore on Calvary. We praise You for You are worthy to be praised!! Thank You for surrounding Kathy, Tony, Darby and Daxton with Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank You for the divine appointments You have for them. That all that come in contact with them sense Your peace and are drawn to You through them in the name of Jesus, Amen and Amen!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Disney Trip Slideshow

Check out some pictures from our trip. Believe it or not, these aren't all of the pictures. Click on the Disney Trip slide show and then click on the slide show tab on the left. The slide show will start (with captions so you know what you're seeing).


4 and 0

The Wildcats did it again!!!! 45 to 26! Next week is the first home game against Garner. Way to go Coach Jones and Wildcats!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Day 2 at Disney

We headed out early (as in 8 am) Tuesday morning for the extra magic hours at Epcot. First on the to-do list was Test Track. We rode several times and then got stuck on the ride for about 20 minutes. They were having technical difficulties. Luckily, we were on a mild, inside, air-conditioned part of the ride. After awhile Nana and Mr. Bobby caught up with us. Here's a pic of Nana and the kids after they rode Test Track. Notice Christian running - he was running to get back in line to go again. That boy is fearless!! After Test Track we headed to The Land building to get fastpasses to Soarin' and ride Living with the Land. It is a nice relaxing boat ride that takes you behind the scenes at Epcot. We were able to see where and how they grow vegetables that they serve up at the restaurants at the Disney resort. Below is a tomato tree - yes, tree that's how they do it at Disney.
Check out these pumpkins. Some are chosen to "earn their ears" and get shaped into Mickey ears. How cool! We enjoyed this ride - very educational and fun. At the end of the ride right before we could get off they had technical difficulties. So, yes, we were once again stuck on a ride. The wait wasn't that long. I told the cast member (what Disney calls their employees) that this was the second ride of the day and both had broken down when we were on it. I told him that we were headed to Soarin' next and he might want to call ahead and warn them that we were coming.
Fortunately, Soarin' worked just fine. It was Christian and Mr. Bobby's first time on it. They both liked it. Nana and Mr. Bobby went to lunch and then back to rest for awhile (Remember I kept everybody at DHS for about 14 hours on Monday. They were a little tired.) Tom, the kids and I checked out "Honey, I Shrunk the Audience" 3-D movie, ImageWorks, Journey into the Imagination with Figment, The Seas with Nemo & Friends, Turtle Talk with Crush and the aquarium at The Seas. We went back to Port Orleans - Riverside to regroup and park hopped to Magic Kingdom for dinner, nighttime parade and fireworks.

If you want to check out any of the rides go to YouTube and do a search. How these people can video as they ride, I'll never know.

Other September birthdays

Happy 2nd Birthday to Natalie!! (Anya & Darrell's little girl)
Happy 2nd Birthday to Stephen!! (my childhood friend, Tiffany's little boy)
Happy 9th Birthday to Jacob!! (our nephew - Jennifer and Matt's son)
Happy Birthday to Paula & Pamela!! (friends from church)

Disney Time

Sorry, I'm so slow about getting back into blogging. I guess I'm still on Disney time. The days seem to be flying by.

Monday night: We had a guest speaker at church, Bob Schrecengost (Schrec). I asked Christian what he thought about Schrec. He said that he was surprised that he wasn't green (like Shrek- the green ogre in the movies) - too funny! We were blessed!!

Tuesday: We started back to school. Christian had Boys' Club (Wooten has aged out of Boys' Club - boy, that makes me feel old) and I helped with Jr. Boys' Club.

Wednesday: School and Wooten had Youth Group at First Free Will Baptist Church.

Thursday: School - Charlie, Lindsey and Levi came over last night for dinner and to chil-lax while Laura and Cameron went out to celebrate Laura's birthday. Happy Birthday, Laura! She's sticking with 25 - sounds good to me! Tom held down the fort while I went to a prayer meeting at church for a couple of hours.

Now, it's Friday, already!! Maybe this weekend I'll have time to finish sharing about our Disney trip. I'm sure we'll want to hit PaPa's pool since it will be closed soon. Good because I love fall, but sad that another summer has gone by.

News to share:
Anya & Darrell (my first cousin and her husband) are expecting a baby!! Due date March 17th (St. Patrick's Day and Rob Lowe's birthday [I remember that from Tiger Beat 1986 -pretty good, uh?]) Congratulations to them and big sister, Natalie and Aunt Gloria (Nana) and Uncle David (Papa).

Colleen & Ronnie (Tom's older sister and her husband) are headed off to the MS Bike Tour in New Bern, NC - from the MS website: The MS Bike Tour is a two-day cycling adventure that challenges riders of all ages, levels and abilities. Participants raise money through pledges and donations that support the fight to end the devastating effects of multiple sclerosis. Each day includes a 30-mile, 75-mile or 100-mile fully supported race. Way to go!! They get back on Sunday and fly off to Disney World on Monday. Give Mickey a hug for me! Ronnie had a birthday on Tuesday - yikes, was it the big 4 - 0?

Judy and Palmer Laughridge's (friends from church) granddaughters are home!! Elle and Clara are how at home with mom, Elizabeth and dad, Shawn. The girls were born prematurely, but are now over 8 lbs. each. They were born 4 months ago, but their adjusted age is 6 weeks. What a blessing!!

Kay (my stepmother) has been having trouble with her back and leg. She is receiving shots to help out with the pain. I pray for complete healing in Jesus' mighty name!

Darby (Tom's cousin Kathy's daughter) has been diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. She will receive injections once a week and have physical therapy. I know Kathy, Tony and Darby would appreciate your prayers. They are trusting completely in God - may His healing hand touch Darby and manifest throughout her body in Jesus' blessed name!

Bennett has a game tonight. Go Wildcats!!!

Baby brother, Brad had a birthday September 5th. Happy Birthday, Bradley Boo!! He turned 24! (Yea, according to Laura's age scale that makes me just a year older instead of 13.)

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!! He had a birthday on September 3rd!! He is still young, he's not quite as old as dirt, yet! Love you, Daddy!!

Today is Mr. Bobby's birthday. Happy Birthday!!

Okay, so with all the birthdays in September, I was thinking what was up 9 months ago - Christmas - guess we know how everyone celebrated.

So, I leave you with this quote from my Max Lucado calendar:
"Accepting your assignment: You weren't created just to consume resources - to eat, breathe and take up space... you were created to add to life on earth."

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hooray for Hollywood

We arrived at Disney World on Monday (Labor Day). Our first stop was Disney Hollywood Studios.

We enjoyed the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular. Harrison Ford wasn't there, but the show was full of action, fire, fights and thrills.
The Block Party Bash was a blast! I'm thinking that kiss Bo Peep was blowing was to Tom. She better watch out - she may have a staff but I have a mean right hook.
No, this isn't Tom hurrying to Disney - this was Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show. Lots of screeching tires, car chases, jet skis, fire and did I mention screeching tires?
Our favorite rides at Disney Hollywood Studios were The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror and Rock 'n Roller Coaster (starring Aerosmith). Anna Gracen was a little hesitate about going on Tower of Terror, but all five of us took the plunge, literally. When we went back to DHS on Wednesday, not only did we ride Rock 'n Roller Coaster, but the kids wanted to ride Tower of Terror again. I wasn't planning on riding the roller coaster, but to my dismay, Christian was tall enough to ride and couldn't wait to do so. He and Tom were seated in the front seat. I'm glad I rode it, it was fast and fun!!!

We also enjoyed the new Toy Story Midway Mania ride. What a fun ride - and popular. The lines were long even with fast passes. If you are planning on checking this out, I highly recommend using the fast pass.
We finished our first day at Disney with Fantasmic (nighttime spectaular with lasers, lights, dancing fountains and special effects). It was awesome!!! Check out Tom's cool photos. The show ended with the characters taking a boat ride in front of the audience. What a way to end the day (long day I might add - we arrived at DHS around 10:30 am and got to our room at around midnight - then we had to unload the cars.) We slept very well that night!!

Monday, September 8, 2008


We're home! After spending the day at Universal Studios, we were going to come about half way home and stay the night. Instead we drove (actually we didn't drive, Tom drove) all the way. The kids are all tucked in and tuckered out (as is Tom). I'm heading to bed myself. It takes time to sort through 300 e-mails and do a little catch up newspaper reading. Just Friday's paper to read about the West Johnston Wildcats who WON again!!!! 49 to 14 against rival North Johnston.

Coming soon: stories and pictures from Disney (including Night of Joy ~ we saw Red, Casting Crowns, Aaron Shust, and Fred Hammond. We heard Mandisa (from American Idol) and TobyMac)

Happy Birthday shout out to Daddy (September 3rd) and Brad (September 5th)!!!

Good night ~ Good morning!!